Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pencil Vs. Eraser 铅铅情缘

One day, overheard the conversation between pencil and eraser ...

: I am sorry!
Eraser : For what? You didnt do anything wrong?

: I'm sorry cos u get hurt becos of me!
Whatever I made a mistake, You're always there to erase it!
But you make my mistake vanish, you lose a part of yourself.
You got smaller & smaller each time!

Eraser : That's true, but I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this!
I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong.
Eventhough one day, I'll be gone & you'll replace me with a new one.
I am happy with my job, so, pls stop worrying....

The conversation between the pencil & eraser is very inspirational....

Parents are like eraser whereas their children are pencil.
They are always there for their chilren, cleaning up for their mistakes.
Sometimes along the way.... they get hurt & become smaller. (older & eventually pass away)

Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parent are still happy with what they do for their children....In life, we are carrying multi roles... we spend most of our times in work more than at our home.
The principle of Pencil & Eraser could apply in office workplace as well...

Superiors are Eraser whereas subordinates are pencil..
In real fact, we are eraser (superior/parent) and we are pencil (subordinate/child) at the same time....

Life is short & unpredictable, what kinds of pencil & eraser we want to be?
I wish I could be a strong pencil and an elastic eraser to the people in my life ....

How about you?